Vodka, you're feeling stronger
Vodka, no more feeling bad
Vodka, your eyes are shining
Vodka, you are the real man
Vodka, wipes away your tears
Vodka, removes your fears
Vodka, everyone is gorgeous
Vodka, yeah vodka
Drinking is good for you, soon you are unconstrained
Drinking is good for you, here comes the womanizer
Drinking is good for you, not anymore lonesome
Drinking is good for you, and you will feel awesome
Out of respect for nature, our vodka and drinkers.
Promising, that the vodka we reserve, is as pure as it was thousands of years ago.
Vodka, no more feeling bad
Vodka, your eyes are shining
Vodka, you are the real man
Vodka, wipes away your tears
Vodka, removes your fears
Vodka, everyone is gorgeous
Vodka, yeah vodka
Drinking is good for you, soon you are unconstrained
Drinking is good for you, here comes the womanizer
Drinking is good for you, not anymore lonesome
Drinking is good for you, and you will feel awesome
Out of respect for nature, our vodka and drinkers.
Promising, that the vodka we reserve, is as pure as it was thousands of years ago.
Vodka, cítiš sa silnejší
Vodka, už sa viac nebudeš cítiť zle
Vodka, tvoje oči žiaria
Vodka, si skutočný chlap
Vodka, utiera slzy
Vodka, odstraňuje tvoje strachy
Vodka, každý je nádherný
Vodka, yeah Vodka
Pitie je pre teba dobré
Čoskoro sa prestaneš hanbiť
Pitie je pre teba dobré
Prichádza sukničkár
Pitie je pre teba dobré
Nie si osamelý
Pitie je pre teba dobré
Budeš sa citíť úžasne
Vodka, už sa viac nebudeš cítiť zle
Vodka, tvoje oči žiaria
Vodka, si skutočný chlap
Vodka, utiera slzy
Vodka, odstraňuje tvoje strachy
Vodka, každý je nádherný
Vodka, yeah Vodka
Pitie je pre teba dobré
Čoskoro sa prestaneš hanbiť
Pitie je pre teba dobré
Prichádza sukničkár
Pitie je pre teba dobré
Nie si osamelý
Pitie je pre teba dobré
Budeš sa citíť úžasne
Z úcty k prírode, našej vodke a pijanom.
Sľubuje, že vodka zostane taká čistá ako pred tísíckami rokov.
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